Preparing for the Professional Cloud Architect Examination
Kursus ini memberikan informasi dasar tentang ujian sertifikasi Professional Cloud Architect, termasuk contoh-contoh soal. Kursus ini dirancang untuk mengatasi kebingungan atau kesalahpahaman tentang proses dan sifat ujian itu sendiri. Anda juga akan mempelajari resources pelatihan tambahan yang dapat membantu Anda mempersiapkan diri untuk ujian.
Setelah mengikuti kursus ini, peserta diharapkan akan mampu:
- Meraih Sertifikasi Professional Cloud Architect.
- Meninjau contoh-contoh studi kasus.
- Meninjau setiap bagian ujian yang mencakup konsep tingkat paling mahir yang cukup untuk membangun kepercayaan pada apa yang diketahui oleh kandidat dan menunjukkan gap keterampilan / bidang studi jika tidak diketahui oleh peserta.
Siapakah yang bisa mengikuti kursus ini?
- Arsitek Solusi Cloud, Teknisi DevOps
- Individu yang ingin mengikuti ujian sertifikasi Professional Cloud Architect.
Untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari kursus ini, peserta harus sudah memahami Google Cloud hingga level kursus Data Engineering on Google Cloud (disarankan, namun tidak wajib).
Course Outline
- Module 1: Understanding the Professional Cloud Architect Certification
- Position the Professional Cloud Architect certification among the offerings
- Distinguish between Associate and Professional
- Provide guidance between Professional Cloud Architect and Associate Cloud Engineer
- Describe how the exam is administered and the exam rules
- Provide general advice about taking the exam
- Module 2: Sample Case Studies
- MountKirk Games
- Dress4Win
- TerramEarth
- Module 3: Designing and Implementing
- Review the layered model from Design and Process
- Provide exam tips focused on business and technical design
- Designing a solution infrastructure that meets business requirements
- Designing a solution infrastructure that meets technical requirements
- Design network, storage, and compute resources
- Creating a migration plan
- Envisioning future solution improvements
- Resources for learning more about designing and planning
- Configuring network topologies
- Configuring individual storage systems
- Configuring compute systems
- Resources for learning more about managing and provisioning
- Designing for security
- Designing for legal compliance
- Resources for learning more about security and compliance
- Module 4: Optimizing and Operating
- Analyzing and defining technical processes
- Analyzing and defining business processes
- Resources for learning more about analyzing and optimizing processes
- Designing for security
- Designing for legal compliance
- Resources for learning more about security and compliance
- Advising development/operation teams to ensure successful deployment of the solution
- Resources for learning more about managing implementation
- Easy buttons
- Playbooks
- Developing a resilient culture
- Resources for learning more about ensuring reliability
- Module 5: Next Steps
- Present Qwiklabs Challenge Quest for the Professional CA
- Identify Instructor Led Training courses and what they cover that will be helpful based on skills that might be on the exam
- Connect candidates to individual Qwiklabs, and to Coursera individual courses and specializations.
- Review/feedback of course
- Module 1: Understanding the Professional Cloud Architect Certification
Jadwal Training
Tanggal | Pukul | Biaya (per pax; belum termasuk VAT 10%) |
Trainer | Venue | Daftar |
12 Jan 2022 | 9:00 – 17:00 WIB | Rp 7 juta | Rocky van Schuylenburch | Online | DAFTAR |
19 Jan 2022 | 9:00 – 17:00 WIB | Rp 7 juta | Rocky van Schuylenburch | Online | DAFTAR |
25 Jan 2022 | 9:00 – 17:00 WIB | Rp 7 juta | Rocky van Schuylenburch | Online | DAFTAR |
10 Feb 2022 | 9:00 – 17:00 WIB | Rp 7 juta | Rocky van Schuylenburch | Online | DAFTAR |
14 Feb 2022 | 9:00 – 17:00 WIB | Rp 7 juta | Rocky van Schuylenburch | Online | DAFTAR |
23 Feb 2022 | 9:00 – 17:00 WIB | Rp 7 juta | Rocky van Schuylenburch | Online | DAFTAR |